...of 2015!!
Last year I did my top 10 favorite photo's of 2014. And I thought, I can't let everyone down who supported me this year. Last year, I wrote:
there's no number one or number ten, I like them equally ! But I'm gonna number them top to bottom"
But this time I let my readers and friends choose the top 10 from my top 20 favorites of 2015.In this last week the last 3 pictures (so 8,9 and 10) where chosen. Weird, huh? But that was how it went....But let's get on with it!So, here is my top 10 photos of 2015!
#10 : Yannick Destrée, the Saxophonist of
(click link to go to their facebookpage), picture taken at Graveson, France.

#9 : siensalabiemaka Sien, one of my best friends, picture was taken at the Camarguez, France

#8 : One of those marvelous white horses from the Camargue, picture was taken at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer, France

#7 : A very curious goat at the Pet zoo in Lichtervelde, Belgium

#6 : Viktor Puype... Aka Jimi Hendrix in a younger body ;) - Lead singer of Carrotsquare. Keep that name in mind guys, the will be great someday.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAIlVEvn5po (Original song - Rain) Picture was taken at Wingene, dE Mutse.

#5 : My cat, Pleute. 15 years and still thinks she can do everything! Picture taken at Lichtervelde, Belgium

#4: The hands-in (hands in?) at our production of “Brassed Off” , Lichtervelde, Belgium

#3: siensalabiem (again) :D picture was taken at the Les Baux de Provence, France

#2 : A random guy we (Sien and I) met in Avignon, during the Festival of Avignon.

#1 : And my favorite and your choice for this years number one : Viktor Puype (again :p ) Picture was taken at their gig in Krottegem, Belgium
Follow Carrotsquare’s journey on their Facebookpage : https://www.facebook.com/Carrotsquare/?fref=ts

Check out my post from last year : http://belgiumgirlwithdreams.blogspot.be/2015/02/my-favorite-photos-of-2014-posted-on.html
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