Some of you probably know I'm still a student. I travel to and from school two times a week by train. During my first three years of college I almost used the train every single day. So it seemed fun to share 10 things with you I hate about taking the train! Keep in mind I take the train around 7 am in the morning and 6pm in the evening.
1) Noisy People
People who keep talking, very loud, when taking the train with friends. Turn on their music too loud,... I always have my headphones with me but even I keep hearing those people talking and I hate it.
2) Children who are too Hyper
I don't like taking the train during Rush Hour. A lot of children/young students are taking the train at those times and I just can't handle the hyperness of them. Stay on your seat, please, I beg you.
3) Breakfast eater
It's a reason it's called BreakFAST because you can eat it fast, in the home. I just can't stand people who eat their breakfast on the train. I don't have to know what you eat for breakfast. Thank you very much

4) Someone who wants to talk to me
..the whole freaking train ride. LEAVE ME ALONE I'm not a morning person, never will be. Shut up and leave me be. I do like to read on the train but I love listening to music while doing that. And if I don't have my music in the morning, it's better to stay away from me.
5) Too much people in one place
Again, I take early trains to avoid the Rush Hour crowds. Otherwise I get so annoyed.
6) Lookers... aka the people who keep staring at you
I don't know if it's on purpose or if they are just daydreaming but there's a reason I like to sit alone on a train in the morning. I don't like people in front of me and especially those who keep looking at what I'm doing. So Hatefull

7) People with an awful parfume
...Who decide you get to enjoy that for the next half hour for free.
Have you smelled yourself? No? ....
8) Delays
The most annoying thing when using the public transport, the delays! Waiting for a train that may or may not come soon...
9) Telephone calls that are too loud
YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT THEY CAN HEAR YOU loud and clear at the other side of the phone call.
10) Cold TrainsTrains that aren't heated during winter. Oh my god. Please, let me out, I will run to school instead..okay not really but you get the point.

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