Hy guys!
And welcome to another new segment on this blog: 13 reasons why!
In this segment I'm gonna give 13 reasons why I do something or am that type of person (if this makes no sense, I'm sorry.).
Well, as you all probably know, I'm a youtubeaholic. All my friends know this about me. If they send me a video from youtube, there's 95% chance I've already seen it. No, I haven't seen all videos on youtube yet (are you crazy???) but my friends have the same taste like I do in youtubers and video ideas.
So I thought it would be fun to give you guys 13 reasons why I am a youtubeaholic (aka, why I watch youtube all day long :) )
1) Curiosity
I LOVE to see what other people do, what they think about, what their lives are all about these days. How they cope with stuff like losing a loved one, getting a kid,... How they celebrate a holiday, how they raise kids (ex: Anna & Jonathan. Also known as the Sacconejolys)
2) Subject
Youtube is a great subject to talk about. "Hey, have you seen the latest video of the Lucky Chops?" is a great way to start a conversation with other musicians.
3) Advice
There are some youtubers who give great advice. Sawyer Hartman for instance is one of them. In some videos he just sits down with you and gives the greatest advice.
4) Happy Thoughts
If you're on youtube from time to time, you probably have seen a few cat videos or the latest episode of mock the week. Or fails of the week. There's a section on youtube where you can find A LOT of funny videos to turn your from upside down.
5) Vacation
I love watching people like Louis Cole or Sam Evans who go on trips around the world. They visit a lot of places I would like to visit in my life. But they show you the real thing. Not the commercial part. So from their videos I get ideas for countries I would like to visit someday.
6) Cultures
People like Louis, Sam, Sawyer and Raya Encheva visit a lot of different cultures too. Places like North-Korea are so different from our lives. From the videos they make I learn a lot about other cultures and I LOVE IT.
7) Musicals & Plays
Musicals like Newsies and Hamilton or a play like Hamlet are amazing. But not/never in our town. And so expensive. So, I use youtube to watch them. If you search for the right thing, you can find a lot on youtube! If it wasn't for youtube, I wouldn't have known my love for musicals.
8) Comedians
In that list with 'things you can find on youtube if you search for the right thing' are comedians also a thing. Russell Howard and Alan Carr are amazing comedians but also talkshow hosts like James Cordon and Jimmy Fallon have a place on this list. You can watch entire shows or just a little part over and over again.
Here's one of my favorites by Jack Whitehall about Robert Pattinson:
9) Music

I, for instance, wouldn't have known about Lin-Manuel Miranda, he has become an idol of mine in a very short time. That man is a genius...and has an amazing (rapping) voice too.
Here's his collab with Jordan Fisher:
10) Viral
Only the best videos go viral. But if they do they really GO VIRAL. Everyone will see it. Almost no exceptions. Youtube is a crazy place.
11) Nostalgic times
Series, songs, pictures in a video. A lot of them are nostalgic for people. For instance your first dance on your wedding 30 years ago: the song is old as time but probably on youtube. Intro's from Series are all on youtube. And a lot of "try not to sing along" videos. Just try those. You will fail.
12) Hotties
I have to admit, the first reason I ever watched youtube was because of the hot youtubers. Chester See, Sam Tsui, Max G Schneider, Joe Sugg,... MI-AUW.
13) It's the life you don't have.
Guys like Jake and Logan Paul have made it. They made it in life. They both have an amazing house, great cars, a dog or/and are in love. If you don't want to be like them, you're lying.
I really hope you guys will understand now why I watch a lot of youtube.
And maybe will try it too ;)
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