Normal Belgian Girl With Dreams: Blogmas day 15

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Blogmas day 15

Favorite present ever received!

Hy guys and welcome to blogmas day 15!

We're far past the half of blogmas :( A shame cause that means it's almost Christmas and that means it's almost a new year, and that means I have exams --"

But enough of that, today I want to tell you about my favorite present EVER received for Christmas!

Back in the day, I was a big fan of pokémon. (Actually, I still am but shhhh).
My aunt and uncle gave me the best present ever: a giant Pikachu poster!
I was sooooooooooooooooo happy with it! It hang on my wall for about 9 years. Then I moved to a bigger room and my mom took my old room. And I don't know where it is now :(

Task for today : Go and find that poster!

CU tomorrow!
