Saturday, 25 June 2016


Hy guys!

It's been a while since I wrote a post in English. Sorry for that!
But I'm back and ready to keep writing in English and Dutch!

First of all, THANK YOU for 10.000+ views!!!!! OMG I can't believe that happend! I already had over 2000 views this month alone. Things are going crazy! :)

Secondly, I'm going to London in a few days (well actually the day my newest blogpost will go online :p ) and I am planning to write a blogpost or two (still figuring that out) about it with pictures and all of that. But that will be a blogpost for the end of next month because I'm still keeping my pattern.

3rd. I have a lot of studying to do this summer and I have to work in July so if my posts are a bit off in timing, I'm really sorry! But they will be there! Don't you worry.
Follow my twitter ( @Sax_O_PhoneGirl) so you don't miss any new blogposts!

And finally, THANK YOU again for all the love and sharing of my posts this past couple of weeks. You guys rock!

I really hope you will like the (very) personal blogpost next thursday.
En natuurlijk is er dinsdag een nieuwe 1000 vragen aan mezelf.


I have the idea of posting my favorite song of the week at the end of the blogposts... what do you guys think?

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